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Saving Energy With a Tumble Dryer

by:GOWORLD     2020-09-23
Thanks to the amount of power it consumes the tumble dryer has been an eco-enemy for some time now. But when used properly is it possible to have a tumble dryer and still respect the environment? This article discusses the most eco friendly ways to use your tumble dryer.
As a back up - the most energy efficient way to dry your clothes is to hang them out. This requires no electricity and the costs of manufacturing the required equipment is a lot less than for building a new appliance. With this in mind it makes sense to not tumble. However there are times when you need to dry your clothes but do not have the time, inclination or ability to do so i.e. when you have a job interview in two hours and it's snowing outside. Limiting your tumbling to occasions where it is unavoidable is the best way to make significant savings on your running costs and to reduce the impact it has on the environment.
Grab some balls - tumble dryer balls have been around for a while now and work by increasing the movement of clothes in the drum. This helps with aeration which in turn increases drying speeds saving time, money and the environment.
Maintain your equipment - as any master craftsman will tell you if you look after your tools they will look after you. It's just as true for tumble dryers as it is for everything else. For many people cleaning out the lint filter is an irksome task but leaving it clogged costs you money. In fact if you are not going to clean out your filter then there is no point investing in an energy efficient machine in the first place. The simple act of banging a filter out above your bin makes a huge difference to the amount of energy you consume and as if that weren't enough reason to do so it can also help prevent fires.
Know your stuff - did you know that if you have a condenser tumble dryer you need to periodically wash the condenser? Just like the lint filter the condenser get dirty too and becomes clogged with fluff and grime. In order to make the machine run efficiently it should be cleaned regularly. How often you choose to do this is up to you but most manufacturers recommended somewhere between weekly and monthly.
Partly dry - where possible avoid drying your clothes until they are bone dry. If you are going to be ironing them it makes it easier for ironing and easier on your electricity bill to leave them damp and iron them dry.

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