
Focus on laundry equipment since 1991's

Gas Tumble Dryers

by:GOWORLD     2020-09-23
Have you ever thought about having a gas tumble dryer? The thought did seem a little strange when it came onto my radar. But the benefits are obvious; in simple terms it saves us money and is kinder to our environment.
In the UK many families rely on electric dryers as our weather isn't great for outdoor drying all year round. Some people haven't got a garden or the space for an outside clothing line so they rely on tumble dyers. I am luckily enough to have a garden so I get a little guilty using my tumble dryer all the time, but with a busy working family life I couldn't live without them. I do try to dry my washing on the outside line when I have the time but so many times when I have done this, the clouds come, ran belts it down and all my washing ends up in my tumble dryer.
The facts:
Electricity is 3 times more expensive than our gas so it makes sense to use gas as a power option whenever we can. Many people find this hard to believe because people have larger gas bills than electric bills. This is because 80% of our domestic fuel usage is used for heating our homes and water.
The White Knight eco is the only domestic tumble dryer that you can buy in the UK that is heated by gas. It produces 54% less carbon emissions than a typical electric dryer and 61% lower running costs. It comes with a 7 kg drum, It costs just 15 a year to run compared to 41 for an electric dryer.
With around 10million dryers in the UK market, electric tumble dryer's account for a massive 4.3% of the UK's entire domestic energy consumption. A gas heated dryer will produce approximately 21kg of carbon which is nearly half of the 40kg carbon an electric dryer will produce.
So have I convinced you? If you want to save money, and help with our governments plans of cutting our CO2 emissions getting a gas tumble dryer is an obvious option.

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