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How Long Will my Carpets Take to Dry After Steam Cleaning?

by:GOWORLD     2020-06-29
An extremely common question from people considering getting their carpets steam cleaned is, 'how long will my carpets take to dry after the treatment?' The truth is that no one will be able to give you a precise or accurate answer because it varies. However, experience within the industry should mean that your steam carpet cleaning company should be able to provide you with a rough estimate as to how long your carpets will take to completely dry out, based on a number of factors. There are many different things which can affect how long carpets take to dry after steam cleaning, these include the type of carpet, the equipment used, the environment, and the technician or cleaner themselves. Carpet Material Carpets are generally either woollen or synthetic (plastic), there are many differences between the two types, one being how long they take to dry. The woollen style of carpets takes a lot longer to completely dry than a synthetic one due to the amount of cleaning solution it is able absorb. The solution can be sucked from a synthetic carpet much more easily than a woollen one as the fluid has penetrated deep into the fibres. It is similar to when you are washing clothes, thick heavy sweaters take much longer to dry out than light tracksuit type materials. Environment The atmosphere and environment that the carpets are in whilst drying can have a major influence on how long they take to dry out. Steam cleaned carpets need good airflow to dry out so a windy day is perfect because you can open up the windows and let the breeze pass through the room. Contrary to popular belief, turning on the central heating and locking all the windows and doors will not encourage your carpets to dry out, and could cause mould and mildew problems. Machinery The machinery used to carry out steam carpet cleaning can be the difference between your carpets taking a few hours to dry and a few days! Developments in technology have improved steam carpet cleaning, or hot water extraction, equipment beyond belief. Modern machinery is able to extract cleaning solutions at incredibly high pressures, leaving less liquid behind in the carpet than ever before. However, if the cleaner is using an old, out-dated machine you could find your carpets much wetter at the end of the cleaning. Cleaning Technician The drying time you are quoted will differ depending on who has provided you with the time. Like we have already said, there is no definite drying time that you can be offered due to the factors that affect it. Different technicians will all provide you with slightly different time frames, some will be able to say between 4 and 6 hours, whereas others may widen the windows to between 4 and 12 hours.
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