Is there instruction manual for self-service laundry machine?
Yes, we ship self-service laundry machine together with an instruction manual for customers. It is provided in Chinese, English, and other languages considering the delivery destinations. There will be ingredients, caution information, methods of maintenance, application range and company information included in the manual. Also, there will be vivid product photos provided as a reference. There will be a detailed installation procedure provided in the manual to help customers in operation. Also, the electronic version of the instruction manual can be also offered once customers have such demand.

FOSHAN GOWORLD LAUNDRY EQUIPMENT CO., LTD stands out in today's market competition relying on the strong ability and experience in manufacturing quality best semi automatic washing machine. The stacking washer dryer is one of the main products of GOWORLD LAUNDRY EQUIPMENT. dry cleaning machine is scientific in design and simple in structure. It is easy to install and disassemble and is favored by customers. The product will not eliminate the healthy elements out, such as magnesium, zinc, iodine, etc. Because the super nano separation technology used can eliminate the harmful substances out yet retain the healthy elements. It features an ergonomic design, making itself more user-friendly.
We are committed to being a top-class manufacturer. We'll introduce more cutting-edge technologies and a pool of talents to help us achieve this goal.

FOSHAN GOWORLD LAUNDRY EQUIPMENT CO., LTD stands out in today's market competition relying on the strong ability and experience in manufacturing quality best semi automatic washing machine. The stacking washer dryer is one of the main products of GOWORLD LAUNDRY EQUIPMENT. dry cleaning machine is scientific in design and simple in structure. It is easy to install and disassemble and is favored by customers. The product will not eliminate the healthy elements out, such as magnesium, zinc, iodine, etc. Because the super nano separation technology used can eliminate the harmful substances out yet retain the healthy elements. It features an ergonomic design, making itself more user-friendly.
We are committed to being a top-class manufacturer. We'll introduce more cutting-edge technologies and a pool of talents to help us achieve this goal.
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