
Focus on laundry equipment since 1991's

Soap Injection Is Becoming A Major Research Problem

by:GOWORLD     2020-09-27
The commercial laundry has developed markedly over the past years but the soap and detergent area is probably the area that will cause the most problems in the future and also give the most success when the correct working procedure is achieved. It is now recognised as being the heart of the washing business and the laundry equipment suppliers have already realised that solutions to some of the problems are essential. There are three main areas of importance for this area of examination:-
1) The health and safety importance of safe removal of soap and detergent and waste products after leaving the laundry.
2) The development of products to clean the laundry quicker, safer and more effectively.
3) The development of systems for introduction of the soap and detergents into the laundry equipment.
It is becoming ever more obvious that the government bodies are unwilling accept large quantities of detergents and waste washed from hazardous laundry to be washed down the drains. The control of this will certainly be tighter as the years go by and will be ever more expensive and it is quite possible that soap and detergent injection systems which do not match government control will be closed.
The soap and detergent manufacturers have always been at the forefront of developing newer and more effective products and this is very true today. They also work well with the commercial laundry equipment suppliers and manufacturers to develop the best usage of their products. The typical products on the market today consist of the typical bio and non-biological products that are used in ordinary laundry, a stronger alkali product is used for heavier soiled laundry. The products which are stained have two different products, one which uses hydrogen peroxide (a substance banned from most usages since the terrorist bombing problems) for coloured materials and sodium hypochlorite for white products. Fabric softeners and starches are other typical items that have to be added. The commercial laundry that deals with MRSA, the deadly hospital bug, has a serious anti-bacteria addition to remove the problem from returning to source via the laundry.
The addition of all these products has led to the development of sophisticated soap injection systems which can add each of the above products as and when they are required. The different types must be added in the correct quantities and at the correct time. It is no longer acceptable to put excess quantities into the washing as the waste disposal. These soap injection systems are likely to change to more sophisticated computer control but a good supplier will already have some excellent systems available and have set up good advisory system, which are available to the user.

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FOSHAN GOWORLD LAUNDRY EQUIPMENT CO., LTD's laundry equipment suppliers are sturdy, easy to operate, friendly work machines that deliver high-quality laundry machine producer for laundry machine manufacturer purposes.
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